May 18, 2014


mother's day and my birthday were one day apart this year. when my husband asked what i wanted, i told him.i just wanted to lay on a blanket, anywhere, with them. i wanted to lay and feel the sun cup my eyes like a blindfold and i wanted to watch my baby wobble through the grass talking to the sky and i wanted to watch my handsome husband in the light.
he gave me just that, and a giant fiddle leaf fig and two rings with their names etched into the middle and a surprise dinner to the best sushi of my life. he and gus also woke me up with a little bouquet of garden petals and it felt so good to be alive, to be theirs.

like, i am the woman in their lives. i'm the one they both seek, both need. i am deeply aware of this cyclopean blessing, much like the core of the earth to our life.

much like the moon.

a star.

a bluebird.

a carrot uprooted from the ground.

the air.

it's everything. it's all there is.


  1. This is glorious. I love your heart through writing. So earthy, intimate, and free. :)

  2. To be theirs, how beautifully said. Wonderful words I find on your gorgeous blog.

  3. What a perfect Mother's Day! I feel like family time together is always better outdoors! Xo
