February 11, 2014


1. favorite, life-changing new hair products, OI
2. post-nap, playing with papa's birthday balloons
3. a beautiful gift and note (and fun collaboration) with the dreamiest children collection, owned by the gorgeous Celia of  LaCoqueta Kids
4. for someone who never wears earrings, these from Forever 21 are just perfect
5. a cookbook gift from my husband
6. sweet, juicy watermelon from trader joes, you would think it's summer
7. freshly-baked vegan banana bread for our neighbors
8. quintessential aug: standing, curious, dressed like a mini-man.
9. heart garland, made from old anthropologie magazines

so many stories and breakthroughs and dreams moving through my heart lately, but the one story i'll remember most this week is the way our son distinctly called me "mama" and crawled as fast as lightning to me, burying his face deep in my neck.


  1. Awww. It is a special moment when they first call you "mama".
    Hope you will share your stories and dreams with us when the time is right.

  2. thank you, dearest emily. it was a moment that i've written all over my heart. thank you for commenting and always being so kind, it means so very much to me. all my love xxo
