December 18, 2013


the day i put a magical blanket over your changing table and you coo'd with glee.


  1. oh, kerrie. my heart is singing as i read that your sleep has finally been restored! i am so happy. i've been working on introducing rosalita to a lovey for about 5 days now, and i think she is finally taking to it and maybe (hopefully!) i think it might be working!
    i hope you are having a beautiful afternoon <3

  2. How wonderful for you all to be getting sleep...and your lil gus looks very happy indeed. I do wish they had some of the help you have nowadays when I was having babies, but alas, I can pass it on to my children when they begin their families. :) Merry Christmas to your sweet lil family xo

  3. I'm am so grateful and happy for you and your family. You have given him a gift, and in turn the whole family can be at peace. I do believe that they need to adapt to our lives, not the other way around. He needs to be a member of the family, not the center of the family. It took me until my first was 9 months to get this. And, it becomes even more important as they get older. Good for you Kerrie. You are a great mom!

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